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How to Write Title Tags: 2020 best practice - SEO Checklist

Want to improve your website’s SEO? One of the commonly overlooked aspects is <title> tag optimization. If you can learn all the little ways to optimize them, you have the potential to see a significant improvement in your website’s organic search visibility!

So just like a cocktail, SEO is the combination of many things to be kept in mind to get good results. And in this blog I will be covering an SEO checklist for Meta title tag which is important according to Google guidelines.

Readout my new blog to learn about the best title tag SEO checklist to follow in 2020 and how your title can influence ranking and click-through rate (CTR) in search results.

Quick Note: 1

Okay but before learning How to use title tags, first know what title tag is? 

A Title tag is also known as “ META TITLE TAG”. A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a page. A title tag is displayed on the search engine result page (SERP) for a given result as a headline which is clickable. 

The text showing in Blue color is the title tag under this - that is the meta description. 

Quick Note: 2

Where should your title tag appear?

You should be aware of, In addition to your website title, a title tag appears in other places too like

  1. Browser Tab:

Your website title appears on the tab of your browser. And for this reason, your title tag should be

informative to your visitors and it should remind visitors about the content of your web page.

  1. On the Search Engine Result Page:

Other than that, your page title also appears or shows on the search engine result page

(SERP) after being indexed by google. A title tag helps visitors to navigate to your website for

the information they are looking for. And that’s why it’s important to have your title tag informative,

short, and simple- about your exact web page content.

3. On External Website

Often we link other external websites and social media pages using the title tags as anchor text to

clearly describe the content of the web page to the visitors.

Quick List:

Tips for Writing Meta Title tags for SEO

1. According to the new update of google your meta title tag should be in 50-60 characters and
all the characters should be completely visible. 
2. Use words like Best, review, and Ultimate to get the attention of the potential user to click the link
3. Describe your web page content in the most simplest way. Don’t use so much complicated and
difficult words in your web page content
4. Use words like, what, why, how to let the user know what he/she can get inside the content.
5. Use your best keywords in the title tag
6. Always use unique titles. Don’t copy or write duplicate titles
7. Use your company or brand name in title tag wisely
8. Keep your title tag short and simple.

To Sum Up:

While Doing the SEO of your website seems like a tough job there are plenty of little ways to improve

your website SEO. Meta title, Meta description, URL of your web page- all contribute together to

improve your website SEO ranking.



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